25 Diy Tomato Cage Ideas

I’m in LOVE with these 25 DIY tomato cage ideas and you will be too!

You can make so many cool things for your garden and home with a few simple tomato cages!

1. Wooden Tomato Cage

This wooden tomato cage is a great option for those wanting to add a little something extra to their garden.

It is made of simple wood slats and is a great option for tomatoes and other vining plants.

The wooden design is a great option for those who want to add a rustic feel to their garden.

This design is also a great option for those who would like a more permanent addition to their garden.

2. PVC Pipe Tomato Cage

PVC pipe is a great material for building tomato cages. It’s durable and long-lasting, and it’s also easy to work with.

You can cut the pipe to any length you need and then connect the pieces together with T-joints and elbow joints to create a cage of any size and shape.

PVC pipe is also relatively inexpensive, so you can build as many cages as you need without breaking the bank.

You can also paint the pipe any color you like to customize your cages and make them look more attractive in your garden.

3. Bamboo Tomato Cage

Bamboo tomato cages are another great option for a more natural look in your garden.

This tutorial will show you how to make a simple tomato cage using bamboo stakes and twine.

Bamboo is a fast-growing and sustainable plant, so using it in your garden is a great option.

You can also use this same method with other types of stakes if you prefer.

4. Wire Mesh Tomato Cage

If you want to make a tomato cage that is a bit more sturdy than the traditional ones, you can use wire mesh to create a cage with larger squares.

This will provide more room for your tomato plants to grow through.

This is a great option if you have a lot of tomato plants and want to make the process of putting cages around them a little quicker.

5. Concrete Reinforcement Wire Tomato Cage

This tomato cage design is similar to the first one, but the wire is a bit more flexible and easier to work with.

This tomato cage is made using concrete reinforcement wire instead of the sturdier, but more difficult to work with, cattle panel.

Using this type of wire allows you to create a more traditional tomato cage shape, but you can also use the same method to make a square shape too.

6. T-post and Twine Tomato Cage

If you have a lot of tomatoes, you’re going to need a lot of cages.

This is an efficient and affordable way to make a lot of cages.

You’ll need a t-post, a post driver, and some twine. You’ll also need a way to cut the twine. I like to use a 10′ piece of twine to make 5 wraps around the t-post.

I also like to use a t-post driver to drive the t-posts into the ground. It’s a lot easier than using a sledgehammer.

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7. Wooden Ladder Tomato Cage

I love the idea of upcycling an old, wooden ladder into a tomato cage! This is perfect for a more rustic garden or for growing some heirloom tomatoes.

This DIY tomato cage is made by taking apart an old wooden ladder and using the rungs as the structure of the cage.

You can use metal wire to connect the rungs and hold the cage together.

8. Upside Down Tomato Cage

If you don’t have a lot of space in your yard or garden, consider hanging your tomato plants upside down.

This will help save space and it can also help prevent pests from getting to your tomatoes.

To make an upside down tomato cage, you’ll need to cut the top ring off of a wire tomato cage.

Then, take a piece of twine and tie it to the top of the cage. You can then use the twine to hang the tomato cage from a hook or a tree branch.

Make sure to plant your tomato plant before hanging it. You’ll also want to add some mulch to the top of the container to help keep the soil moist.

9. Repurposed Fencing Tomato Cage

This tomato cage is made from an old fence that was being replaced. The wood is cut into strips and then screwed together to make the cage.

This is a great way to repurpose old wood.

You can also use new wood to make a similar cage. You can use 1x2s, 2x2s, or 2x4s to make the cage. The bigger the wood, the sturdier the cage will be.

This cage is perfect for growing tomatoes in a small space. You can also use it to grow other vining plants like cucumbers and peas.

10. Copper Pipe Tomato Cage

This is a great way to reuse some leftover copper pipe from another project.

Copper pipe is a bit more expensive than PVC, but it is very durable and looks great in the garden.

You can use copper pipe for the entire cage, or you can use it for the frame and string twine through the top to create the cage.

11. Recycled Metal Rod Tomato Cage

If you have any old metal rods lying around, consider turning them into a DIY tomato cage. This project is a great way to use up any scrap metal you may have.

You can create a simple structure with the metal rods, or you can get creative and make a fun and funky cage like the one in the photo above.

12. Rope and Stick Tomato Cage

This simple tomato cage is made with a few sticks and some rope. It’s a great option if you want to make a tall cage but don’t have a ton of space for storage.

This cage is made with four sticks and then a rope is wrapped around the cage to create the support bars that the plants will lean on as they grow.

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If you’re not a fan of the look of a wood tomato cage, you can also paint the wood to give it a more polished look.

13. PVC Hoop Tomato Cage

This is a very simple and cheap way to make a tomato cage. You’ll just need some PVC pipe and connectors to make the hoops, and then you’ll attach them to a wooden base.

This is the perfect tomato cage for a raised bed, as it keeps the plants growing upwards and not outwards.

14. Wood and Wire Mesh Hybrid Cage

If you want to make a tomato cage that is more permanent and can be used for several years, then consider this wood and wire mesh hybrid cage.

The wood stakes are used as the frame, and then wire mesh is attached to the frame to create a cage.

15. Teepee Tomato Cage

If you want a simple and effective way to stake your tomatoes, try creating a teepee with your tomato cages.

This method is perfect for any size tomato plant and is super easy to do.

Just place the widest part of your tomato cage over the top of your tomato plant and use the wire prongs to secure it in place.

16. Salvaged Wire Spool Tomato Cage

Here’s a tomato cage that’s made from materials that would have otherwise been thrown away.

This tomato cage is made from the wire spool that is left after the wire is used up.

The wire spool is cut into a few pieces and then the pieces are bent and attached together to create the cage.

This is a great way to upcycle and create a tomato cage that is completely unique to your garden.

17. DIY Tomato Tower

This tomato tower is a great way to make use of scrap wood. The lattice design makes it easy for your tomatoes to climb and grow.

You can also add additional lattice to the sides, so that your tomatoes are completely enclosed by the tower.

18. Willow Branch Tomato Cage

Use willow branches to create a beautiful and rustic tomato cage. This project may not be the easiest or most time-efficient, but it is one of the most beautiful.

Use a few branches to create a teepee-like structure and then weave smaller branches in between to create a stable and supportive tomato cage.

19. Scrap Metal Tomato Cage

If you have scrap metal laying around, you can use that to make your own tomato cage. This is a great way to repurpose materials and save money.

You can create a simple cone shape and then add a few extra pieces of metal to create the cage. This is a great option if you need a large tomato cage.

20. Tomato Cage from Old Bed Springs

Bed springs are a popular material for making DIY tomato cages. They have a natural spring to them and are a great way to upcycle an old bed frame.

This tutorial from Organized Clutter uses a bed spring and attaches it to a wooden stake to create a simple and sturdy tomato cage.

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21. Tomato Cage made from Recycled Bike Rims

If you have a couple of old bike rims lying around, then this is the perfect project for you.

This is a great way to recycle old bike rims and make a sturdy and long-lasting tomato cage.

To make this tomato cage, you will need to have a few tools on hand, like a drill, bolt cutter, and a saw.

I love the look of this tomato cage, and the fact that it is upcycled makes it even better!

22. Collapsible Tomato Cage

This tomato cage is the perfect option if you don’t want to have to store a large, bulky cage during the off-season.

The wooden frame is simple to assemble and can be taken apart and stored flat when not in use.

The wire mesh is cut to size and stapled to the wooden frame. This is a great way to support your plants and can easily be moved throughout the garden.

23. Tomato Cage with Removable Panels

This tomato cage is made of wood and has wire panels that are screwed onto the frame.

The panels can be removed so you can easily access the tomatoes when it comes time to harvest.

The panels also allow for more air and sunlight to reach the tomatoes, which can help to prevent disease and promote growth.

24. Tomato Cage with Adjustable Height

This tomato cage is similar to the last one, but it’s adjustable. This makes it perfect for tomatoes (or other plants) that grow taller than others.

This is a great option if you have a mix of determinate and indeterminate tomato plants.

With this tomato cage, you can adjust the height as your plants grow.

You can make it taller by adding more pieces of wire and zip-tying them to the main structure.

25. Tomato Cage with Integrated Planter Box

If you want to grow tomatoes but don’t have a lot of space, this project is for you!

The planter box at the bottom of the tomato cage is perfect for growing herbs and flowers. As the tomatoes grow, they will naturally climb the cage.

This is a great way to add height to your garden and keep your plants organized.


Tomatoes are a favorite vegetable for many because of their versatility and the fact that they can be grown in many climates. There are many different ways to grow tomatoes, but one of the most popular is to use a tomato cage. A tomato cage is a simple structure that supports the tomato plant as it grows, helping it to stay upright and produce more fruit. There are many different types of tomato cages available, but if you want to save some money, you can make your own. The DIY tomato cage ideas in this article are all easy to make and can be customized to fit your garden and tomato plants.

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