21 DIY Garden Fountains

Are you looking for some fun ways to add a little more water into your garden?
I’ve got a great collection of DIY garden fountains for you that will add serenity to your outdoor living space.
Water is so soothing and relaxing and these garden fountains are so easy to make.
You can add a fountain to your garden in so many different ways. You could create a waterfall if you have a small pond.
You could create a small, stand alone fountain that uses a solar powered pump.
And, you can create a fountain from so many different materials – even an old bird bath would work.
I have always wanted a garden fountain and I’ve been looking for just the right DIY project to help me get it.
I found 21 amazing and easy to create garden fountains that you can DIY.
Whether you want something that is simple and won’t take a lot of time or you want something a bit more elaborate, there is definitely a garden fountain in here that is perfect for your backyard.
And, be sure that you take a look at these 20 DIY garden art ideas to help you decorate your outdoor living space.
1. Create a Recirculating Fountain

This beautiful recirculating fountain is a great addition to any garden. It is simple to make and even easier to maintain.
The recirculating fountain is a great option for those who want the relaxing sound of water in their garden, but don’t want to commit to a pond or large fountain.
The tutorial will walk you through how to make your own recirculating fountain with a few materials and a weekend.
This fountain is perfect for a small patio or even a balcony garden.
2. Build a DIY Container Fountain

This DIY container water fountain is the perfect project for beginners.
The fountain is made from a variety of different pots and containers, so you can customize it to fit your style.
You’ll need a small pond pump to get the water flowing, which you can find at your local garden center.
3. Make a Garden Fountain Out of Anything

You can make a garden fountain out of just about anything, and this tiered fountain made from various sized planters and a large urn is a perfect example.
The water is pumped from the bottom basin up to the top and then trickles down to the basin below.
You can use just about any type of outdoor-safe container for this project, and the more unique the better!
4. Build a Rock Box Fountain

A simple rock box fountain is the perfect project for a DIY beginner.
It’s a great way to add a water feature to your garden without having to dig a hole or add a pond liner.
This project can be completed in a single day and is so easy to customize to your garden’s design.
You can use river rocks, like we did, or you can use any rocks you have on hand. You can also use a variety of different sized rocks to create a more natural look.
If you want to paint the rocks to match your garden, you can use a waterproof paint. The possibilities are endless!
5. Make a Garden Fountain Out of a Urn

This garden fountain is made out of a large urn and a few other supplies. We love the classic look of the urn and how it adds a pop of color to the garden.
The water spills out of the urn and into the base below.
This fountain is small enough to be a great addition to a small garden or even a garden bed in your yard.
6. Create a Garden Fountain Out of Bamboo

If you love the sound of running water, but don’t want to spend a lot of money on a fountain, this DIY bamboo fountain is the perfect solution.
You can use a recirculating pump and a large container as the base for this fountain, or you can use a garden pond.
7. Build a Spill Fountain

This simple fountain is a great addition to a garden bed. It’s easy to build and can be customized with any size pot.
This fountain is built with a spill pot. A spill pot is a pot that has a hole in the bottom so the water can spill out into the basin below.
This water feature is built with a 12” spill pot and a 16” basin.
8. Make a Garden Fountain Out of a Planter

This is a simple fountain that you can put together in a few hours. You can use a pre-made fountain kit or make your own, as we did here.
The planter is the reservoir for the water. The pump in the bottom of the planter pushes the water up through the pot and out the top.
The water then cascades down the sides of the pot and back into the planter.
9. Create a Tiered Fountain

If you want to create a larger fountain, you can easily do that with a few pots and a pump.
You’ll need to stack the pots, making sure to use a pot with a hole in the bottom for the top so that the water can flow down.
This fountain uses a planter as the base and a pot for the top. You can also use a large pot for the base and a smaller pot for the top.
If you want to create a larger fountain, just add more pots to the mix.
Use a pump that’s strong enough to push the water to the top of the fountain.
You’ll also need to make sure you have a large enough reservoir to hold the water and a pump that’s strong enough.
10. Build a Bubbling Fountain

A bubbling fountain is a great way to add a water feature to your garden without the hassle of having to wire a pump.
This fountain is powered by a solar panel, and the water is pumped up through the center of the pots and then trickles down.
Get the tutorial for this easy water feature and others like it by visiting House of Hawthornes.
11. Make a Water Wall
This is a great option if you have a small space and don’t want to take up too much room.
You can make it as tall or as short as you like, but the sound of the water is so soothing.
This water wall has a copper finish, but you can paint it any color you like. You can also make it with a more industrial look by using galvanized steel pipes.
12. Create a Garden Fountain Out of a Basin
Use a large basin to create a simple garden fountain. The basin will hold the water and act as a reservoir.
Then, use a submersible pump to pump the water up and out of the basin.
In this project, a large pot is used to hold the water and water plants. The pump is placed in the middle of the pot and covered with a large rock.
Then, a smaller pot is placed on top of the rock to create the waterfall effect.
13. Build a Tabletop Fountain
If you have a small yard or a garden that’s already full of plants, you might be feeling like there’s no room left for a fountain.
But there’s always room for a tabletop fountain!
This easy-to-make fountain is the perfect way to add a little water feature to your garden without taking up too much space.
You can even add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to the water to make your garden smell like a spa!
14. Make a Garden Fountain Out of a Barrel
If you have an old whiskey barrel lying around, you can easily repurpose it into a garden fountain.
You’ll need to cut out the top for the water reservoir and add a pump to get the water flowing.
Add a few potted plants around the base and some decorative rocks to give your barrel fountain a natural look.
15. Create a Solar Fountain
Use a solar pump to turn any of the above garden fountain ideas into a solar fountain.
This allows you to place your fountain anywhere in the garden without having to worry about an electrical outlet nearby.
You can even use a solar pump with a fountain head to create a tiered fountain without needing to use a hardwired pump.
16. Make a Garden Fountain Out of a Watering Can
Turn an old watering can into a whimsical garden fountain with this tutorial from Instructables.
The watering can is used as a planter to hold the top of the fountain. The water is then pumped up through the spout and trickles down the sides of the can.
This fountain is so fun and easy to make that you can have it up and running in just a few hours.
17. Create a Garden Fountain Out of Cinder Blocks
Garden fountains can be expensive, but if you’re a savvy DIYer, you can create a beautiful fountain for a fraction of the cost.
This cinder block fountain is the perfect example.
The fountain is made from three cinder blocks, a large plastic tub, a submersible pump, and a few other supplies.
The cinder blocks are stacked on top of each other to create a small waterfall, and the tub is placed at the bottom to catch the water and recycle it back to the top.
The best part about this project is that you can customize the size and shape of the fountain to fit your space.
Just make sure you have a level surface to build it on!
18. Make a Garden Fountain Out of a Pond
If you have a small pond in your garden, you can convert it into a waterfall fountain with the addition of a pump.
This pond has a pump that pushes water up through a hose and then the water spills out over the rocks and back into the pond.
You can also add a pre-made fountain head to the pump to create different water effects.
19. Create a Garden Fountain Out of Copper
This creative copper water fountain is made from copper pipe, a pump, and some rocks.
This is a great way to bring the sound of water to your garden without having to worry about electricity and water mixing.
This fountain is powered by a solar panel and battery that stores the sun’s energy.
This would be a great option if you want a fountain in a part of your yard where you don’t have access to electricity.
20. Make a Garden Fountain Out of a Millstone
Millstones are large, flat stones that were traditionally used to grind grains.
They have a hole in the center where a wooden or metal rod would be inserted to help roll the stone along a track.
If you can find a millstone, you can use it as the base of your garden fountain. Simply stack a few pots on top of the stone, and add a pump and some tubing.
21. Create a Garden Fountain Out of a Sculpture
If you have an old sculpture that you don’t know what to do with, turn it into a fountain!
This is a fun way to give an old piece of art new life and add a water feature to your garden.
This is an easy project if you use a fountain pump that sits in a basin.
Simply plug the pump in, and water will flow up through the sculpture and back down into the basin.
If you are looking for a simple, inexpensive way to make a fountain, this is it. You can use any type of container that you want and any type of pump.
Then just add the decorations that you want and you have a wonderful fountain that will instantly add beauty and elegance to your garden.